Lead As a Coach

“No one on my team asks for my advice anymore, what is going on? If relatable, I encourage you to answer these questions:

Are you

1.    proactively leading your team members in a coaching capacity? 

Ask clarifying questions and then simply listening without comment as the employee works through their own thought process. 

2.    accepting of questions? 

Sometimes employees fear that asking for advice will make them appear less competent. This is unfortunate, because getting the right advice can sometimes be the difference between success and failure. Asking the right kind of advice from the right person showcases confident, intelligence, and can be endearing to your colleagues. 

3.    asking them for their advice?

Many successful company cultures tend to emphasize the fact that an organization’s strengths are distributed among its staff and encourage all team members to seek each other out for advice and guidance.  Leaders, try modeling the behavior you would like to see from your staff by asking them for their advice.

In general, individuals love to share their knowledge so allow them the opportunity to do so. When done right, asking advice is a win-win. 


  • If you can manage to do something with a little bit of extra effort yourself, seeking advice may not be the best idea.  Make sure the task is indeed difficult. 

  • Be selective with whom you ask advice.  Be certain they are equipped to advise on the subject you are asking.

  • Approach the advisor directly. Mention something about their expertise before jumping into questions. Example, “I know you have worked with thousands of leaders during your career, may I ask your advice?

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