Promotion, I Want One!
“I want to be considered for a promotion, what do I do?”
If you are interested in being considered for a promotion, rather than wait for someone to present it to you, I recommend you take charge and do the following:
1. Do not be afraid to ask questions of those who can be of assistance to you.
Make a list. Your supervisor or manager, the staff in your human resources department, others in a similar role, these are all great starting points.
Ask to schedule a meeting and then come to the meeting, having done your homework, prepared with questions to get the answers you want and need.
Ask what do I need to know to be considered for a promotion to (job title or role)? You need to know what you want, so be specific.
Ask what specific knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed?
Determine who has been successful in the role and find out what experience and background they had when they received the promotion.
2. Own your career acting as a project manager of your own life.
Get ahold of the position’s description or specifications of the role.
Be honest with yourself about your shortfalls, ask others their opinion and listen to what they are telling you. Ask five people to provide you with five words that describe you. Having the confidence to discuss the descriptive words with those who shared will take you to the next level.
Education yourself by reading books, enrolling in courses, or coaching programs.
Ask someone to be your mentor.
If you want something, go for it! Life is short and will move right underneath you unless you take charge and go for what you want.
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