Annoying Employee​

I was approached by a manager asking, “Nick is so annoying that I wish he would just not show up tomorrow, what are my options for his continued employment?”

‘Nick’ is going to show up tomorrow and is entitled to continued employment based on the limited information shared. I encourage you to do is the following:

1.     Make a concerted effort to understand his perspective and feelings. Being engaging, showing your kindness, and compassion toward him can help you determine what is going on.

2.     Determine what is it about the individual that is so annoying to you? Learn to recognize clues that you are having a negative emotional reaction toward him. Look inward and ask yourself: What is causing me to react this way? and how can I respond in a manner that is productive for all.

3.     Practice Dynamism Leadership’s 3P’s. PAUSE, take a deep breathe, PINPOINT the emotion you are having and why, stay calm, and PIVOT how you wish to respond so that you avoid reacting. Know that pause, pinpoint, pivot is as important to our worldwide wellbeing as stop, drop, and roll.

4.     If you determine that Nick is impacting your customers or the performance of others on the team, it’s imperative that you talk to him about it promptly. It is important that you objectively explain to him that his behavior is negatively impacting the group’s performance. Share specific examples. Keep in mind, generalizations never stand up in court.

5.     Concentrate on similarities and things you share. Avoid focusing on the differences between you and your colleague. 

You have this and so much more. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Cheers to 2023!

Pause, pinpoint, and pivot is as important to our worldwide wellbeing as stop, drop, and roll.

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End 2022 with Love​